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A virtual entertainment hub for friends, family, and co-workers.

What is Kosmi

Kosmi is a web app that makes it super easy to have watch parties and play games together online in virtual rooms with voice, video, and text chat.

Kosmi brings together your favorite TV, movies, games, music, and other apps, all in one place. Just share a link with friends, family or coworkers to hang out in custom rooms and enjoy a number of different activities together.

What is Kosmi

Audio challenges

Kosmi allows users to watch videos, play video games, listen to music, and use other apps together; all while on voice and video chat. But what happens when the audio from the media player leaks into the microphone?

Enter Synervoz: the Switchboard SDK helps to solve these issues, as well as positions Kosmi for cross platform initiatives that will allow it to be used with TVs and with various configurations of hardware.

Audio challenges

Watch, Play, Chat, Create.

Check it out at

A close partner...

We're on a similar mission to help people connect over the internet in new ways. Solving audio challenges and integrating with different content providers is an ongoing challenge. A challenge we're working on together.

Want to join our mission? Check out our business portal at

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