White Label
Get to market faster. Save time and money by starting with our existing tools.

Save time and money
Why reinvent the wheel when you don’t have to. We have spent years building and testing our own products. That’s a code base you can leverage in more ways than one.
Whether we make a copy of a whole product and make a few minor tweaks or instead help you assemble a brand new product using several of our building blocks, we can likely save you a lot of time and money in comparison to building everything from scratch.

Leverage what we’ve already built.
Audio and other apps
We’ve built numerous audio apps. Some of these are open source and available on the Examples Page of our Switchboard SDK.
We can also leverage any of our Venture Studio projects to get you to market faster and cheaper.

Social and Metaverse apps
We have battle-hardened apps that can be used as templates for other apps that require a lot of the same functionality. A few examples include:
Switchboard 1.0 or Switchboard Lite
These can all be customized, white labelled, or leveraged in another form of creative partnership. Let us know what you’re building, and we’ll let you know how we can help.

Audio engines
Time and time again we’ve watched customers fall into the trap of building custom audio engines to circumvent the limitations provided by open source alternatives.
Get to market faster and cheaper by leveraging what you need from Switchboard SDK. Apart from leveraging Switchboard as an SDK, we offer partial source code licenses and can leverage modules as-needed for your project.
Switchboard creates and manages VoIP connections, music, real time effects, auto-ducking and so much more. You don’t have to build a new cross platform engine from scratch!

SDK modules
Bose PinPoint, Amazon IVS, Voicemod, Agora, Superpowered, AudioShake to name a few.
Our Switchboard SDK has over 25 extensions and the library continues to grow, including both open source and commercial modules for pretty much anything that touches audio. If you need help creating, implementing, or comparing audio modules, we can help.

Reduce cost and time to market (TTM)
Any of our services can be integrated into solutions that use our SDK and/or pre-existing source code. This can help reduce hours and TTM.